Paulette Hébert, Reflexology Therapist
Booking Your Reflexology appointment
Book a Reflexology session today!
x3 locations options + home or office visits to serve you
The Physio Space & Integrative Wellness Center
1200 Colonial Rd Unit 110, Navan, ON
613.429.9000 |
Align Lindenlea Boutique Clinic
137 Beechwood Ave., Ottawa, ON
613.830.1380 |
Rooted Family Wellness Centre
30 Edgewater St Unit 121, Kanata, ON
(613) 435-9200 |
Home and office Visits are also available
Contact me directly to make a booking
613-410-7284 |
Please consult the respective websites to book your session
I offer free 15 min consultation sessions in person, phone or Zoom
My services are covered by a number of insurance providers
– check your plan for this modality.
An official receipt for tax purposes is also issued for each treatment
Il me fera un plaisir de vous servir en FRANÇAIS!